Pool yoga makes the benefits of yoga accessible for those that cannot practice yoga on the mat.
Have you ever thought about practising yoga but accessing the mat is not something easily done for you?
What if I told you that being in the water takes all the weight and pressure off and floating means you can stretch and move more freely?
✨Let the water take the weight
✨Let the water hold and support you.
✨With the water to support you, focus on ease and movement.
I have practiced yoga in the swimming pool for a long time. I was able to see the benefits on my body and in the poses that I found very challenging on the mat, they were easily done inside the pool. When I saw that my yoga students were finding challenging the balancing poses on the mat, I asked them to trust me and do it on the pool. They said yes and I was very pleased to guide them through a very gentle and balancing class in the fantastic pool at Club Vitae Clayton Hotel in Cork City.
Yoga practiced inside the pool has very low impact, making it an ideal way for people with joint pain to improve their strength, flexibility, and range of motion.
I have found over the years that pool yoga is great for students that could not attend a normal yoga class, can benefit from practising yoga and be supported by the water with very low impact on the joints which makes it suitable to all levels. Especially for anyone dealing with reduced mobility or physical pain. Or even during the pregnancy helping to comfortably make very gentle movements relishing pressure from the hips.
Testimonials from some of the students that attended pool yoga class.
Eva – “I really enjoyed pool yoga class with Flowithme. It was a relaxing yoga class taken at my own pace which is great for those with joint issues as the water takes all the weight off. I would never do yoga class as I would be afraid I would be holding the class back or not able to do some of the positions. Thank you Sara.”
Once this corona virus passes, I will be back in Club Vitae Clayton Hotel Cork City teaching every Thursday evening. Until then, stay calm and connected with yourself. Let’s control the controllable.