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Why are companies investing in corporate wellness programs?

Discover the importance of wellness in the corporate world.

There are more and more companies that are looking to promote a wellness environment for their employees, understanding that looking after their employees’ wellbeing results in a better atmosphere in the office as well as better financial results.

Studies completed by the World Health Organization state that corporate wellness programs may reduce absenteeism in 27% and a 26% in health related costs thanks to higher motivation and happiness levels within the workplace. . Financially speaking, every euro invested in corporate wellness, gives a return of 6 euros back to the company.

Increase in demand

The data gathered in several studies supports that the corporate wellness program benefits the corporate world. Year after year, there are more companies that implement wellness programs for their employees. A study completed by Working Well, in 2014, resulted that 32% of European companies were considering to invest in the corporate wellness, in 2016 the number increased to 46% and it is expected that for 2020 it will be over 55%.

Clear strategy

8 out of 10 companies are now investing in corporate wellness programs given the latest results.

The options vary from corporate rate discounts for gym, providing health breakfasts and snacks during working hours or to the organization of sports events.

On average, 43.8% of companies invest less than 1,000 euros per year, 34.4% invest between 1,000 and 5,000 euros a year, 12.5% between 5,000 and 15,000 euros a year and 9.4% invest over 15,000 euros a year.

What companies want

Referring to the companies contacted, 23.5% of the companies would like to offer Yoga / Zumba / Pilates classes, followed by healthy breakfasts and snacks and the last option would be to offer their employees with corporate rate in gyms.

However, there is still a large number of companies that have not implemented corporate wellness programs, and the reasons behind this decision is a lack of knowledge of the services available, the cost of these programs or the low number of employees in the company.

Information and data have been sourced from this study completed by wuics.

What does your company do to promote well-being in the workplace? If you want to talk more about starting your own corporate wellness program including chair yoga, coaching sessions, meditation, mindfulness or healthy eating workshops in your company, contact me at or +353 851 38 7984.


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