May the luck of Irish be there with you! 🍀 Feeling lucky is an emotion that you have control over and that you can create at any time. Look around you and notice all the great things that surround you. Finding reasons to be thankful for is easy, it only takes a bit of concentration and your mindset will swift. As well as many scientifically proven benefits of gratitude, let me share few with you:
1. Improves Health
2. Increases Energy
3. Improves Mood
4. Increases Patience
5. Improves Relationships
6. Keeps you Present
What are three things you feel lucky for today? I am feeling lucky every day to being able to share with my passion for chair yoga, cooking with my Thermomix and living my dreams.
· Chair Yoga
Chair Yoga Teacher Training with LV Chair Yoga Australia

It is a pleasure for me to bring the fabulous Claire from @lvcyau all the way to Europe (even if virtually!!) and together share our knowledge of chair yoga with you, my community!! 🤗🤗
Do you want to learn more about chair yoga? Join us next month in the virtual classroom.
When❓Weekends 9-11th & 16-18th of April 2021. Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Time: 8:30-11:30am GMT – Total 18 hours
This course will equip you with the skills and knowledge to be able to share the benefits of Chair Yoga with everybody - safely and effectively. It is open to yoga teachers and others such as medical or mental health professionals, community or aged care workers, teachers, corporate workers or anyone who would like to share the benefits of Yoga with more of their community.
This is a LIVE group training format and runs similar to our face to face in person training. To enhance the experience and energy of the training all sessions must be attended on Zoom with the group, unless prior arrangements are made. Replays are available for all attendees and in case of special circumstances where a session will be missed.
❖ 32 hours total study
❖ 18 hours face to face with the teacher and other students in a virtual classroom on Zoom
❖ 14 hrs of homework to be completed within 4 weeks after the live group part of the training
Price: early bird $625 AUD (approx €400) end on March 29th
What to join us? Send me a private message or check out this link.
· Cooking with Thermomx
Growing up I got to experience what it was to cook with my grandmother, my mother and my godmother as they are all very passionate about cooking and cooking with Thermomix. No wonder I ended up in the kitchen too! I am so happy to share one of my granny's favorite recipes with you here.
Sopas de Patatas Extremeñas! (Potato Soup from Extremadura region in Spain)

500 gr potatoes, cut in 1/2 cm thick
250 gr bread from previous days
80 gr onion
2 garlic cloves
1 bay leaf
1 tsp oregano
4 dried peppers
60 gr olive oil
1 Tsp paprika @pimentonvera
1.5 l water
1.- Add onions and olive oil - 5 sec./speed 4. 2.- 5 min/ Varoma/reverse blade /spoon speed . 3.- Add paprika 4 sec./ speed 3 4.- with the butterfly whisk on:Add potatoes and peppers, 5 minutes, varoma, reverse blade / spoon speed. 5.-add oregano and garlic and 250 gr water. 10 sec. / reverse blade / spoon speed 6.- Add the rest of water, bay leaf and a pinch of salt . 25 minutes/ Varoma/ reverse blade /Spoon speed . Once done, add the broth into the pot with the bread. First the water and then the potatoes on top. Enjoy!
- Living The Dream

Disney showed us from a small age to day dream and imagine a fantasy world around us. As we grow older, we forget about the power of visualizing or day dreaming and focus on tasks and jobs to do.The imagination is a muscle like any other and it requires time and exercise to stay in shape. Why day dream? My answer to you would be, why not? Visualization allows us to remove all the emotion surrounding negativity, and instead, place our attention on actions that will enable us to achieve personal success. Once you define your goal, continue to practice visualization regularly. The more detailed your visualization, the closer your goal will appear to you. Not because you visualize it happens. It is not magic!! But it is true that when you visualize you create an awareness of what would need to happen in order to get there. Your imagination let you find ways that were not there before. You become more resourceful and creative. Here are a few of the things that visualization can do for your well-being when it becomes part of your routine: - Visualization builds courage. - Visualization combats negativity. - Visualization gathers energies and drive to take the next step. - Visualization fosters purpose. That important meeting you have next week, that event you need to attend that scares you, that current situation that is worrying you, that dream that you want but you are scare to pursue ..... sit down comfortable for few minutes, close your eyes, and visualize how it would look and feel like if you were already in the situation. Stay there for few minutes. Look around you what is there? What is happening? How do you feel? Notice what you have learned when you open your eyes back into the present moment. What is stopping you from day dreaming today? give it a go!
If you want to know more about how to create a healthy lifestyle and enjoy your life every day, contact Sara to organize a session.