It has taken me a few days to really come to terms with the events that happened in the last week. I won two awards in less than a week…. Ouwwwww
I have been working with Thermomix for the last eight years, helping people to cook healthy meals with the assistance of this fantastic German kitchen appliance. Showing my clients how easy it is to cook any recipe from scratch, no matter how little experience you have in the kitchen. I was very fortunate to have my mum to show me how to cook with her first Thermomix that I wanted to share my passion for healthy cooking with everybody that cross my path. That is how it all started and my idea of setting up my own business as a result of being an independent advisor for Thermomix since I arrived in Ireland. Spreading the Thermomix love and recruiting more advisors was good fun. I love the community that has been created in Cork where over 650 Thermomix lovers come together and share recipes and ideas in my Thermomix cooking classes.

Once a year, all the Thermomix advisors meet in a convention to share the progress of the company and this year it was held in the lovely city of Birmingham. Loads of passionate Thermomix lovers networking, learning and having a LOT of fun. Receiving an award as the Top 2 recruiter in UK and Ireland (we have over 2000 advisors currently) was just the icing on the cake! What a great Saturday night!!
Little did I know that on Thursday I would be going up on stage again!!

Receiving 2019 AIB Women in Enterprise Award in the business development category was a dream come true. It was a fantastic gala night with entertainment and a great presentation by Pedro Angulo. One of the things Pedro mentioned in his speech was that ‘if you are not willing to fight for something, you are then not passionate enough about it and you should drop it’. I couldn’t agree more on that statement.
Starting my own company in January was the biggest challenge of my life. Having a business degree and being a qualified chartered accountant helped me to understand what needed to be done but far from the reality when you have to face so many challenges and doing a lot of things for the first time when setting up your own business.
Running a company is the best personal development course you could ever take. You have to question every part of you and build on skills that you did not even know you had.
I am only nine months in business but I have been very fortunate to have the support from AIB, the enterprise academy and every single business owner I have crossed my path with. They all have supported me, encouraged me or gave me a word of advice to keep going, to keep believing in my idea and keep sharing my passion to make my company vision a reality: supporting my clients to achieve the best version of themselves whether that be through life-coaching, corporate yoga, or cooking classes.

Flowithme’s motto is “Everybody deserves to live their best life, whatever their choice of life is”. I can reassure you, I am living my best life and making the most of it. These awards are the recognition to self-believe, not accepting the status quo and keep working for what I am passionate about and I believe in.
If I was able to do it, so can you! What does the best version of your life look like?
If you want to talk more about it, contact me at sara@flowithme.com or +353 851 38 7984.
